Monday 4 June 2012

Week 2: (May 28 - June 3)

Summary in brief:
introduced Results Pane inside the comparsion pop-up window; learning to use BridgeDB; begun Xref and Line comparison; "load two pathways" issue solved; modified UI layout of the plugin's "Compare" tab; Code Refactor and Documentation

Summary :
This week I started out with creating a panel "Comparison Results" in the comparison pop-up window.
This panel shows the matching entities (similar Datanodes and similar interactions) in the two pathways being compared inside a JTable. Right now, it shows only the matching Datanodes' graphIds as a series of rows under two columns "Pathway1" and "Pathway2".  I will soon change this to show Datanode's label or its xref  instead of GraphId as per the requirement.
The result rows are clickable and clicking on a row highlights the respective matching entities in both the pathways. This is done using the GraphId of the matching entities.

Next, I learnt about the usage of BridgeDB framework, tested out the cases which could be useful in our plugin and got clarifications from the mentors on how I would use BridgeDB IdMappers in our plugin to compare the Datanodes' based on Xrefs. After discussing it with the mentors , it was concluded that optionA below would be better than option B.

option A : Creating an array of DataSources from the Xrefs (since Xref is composed of an Id and DataSource) defined in Pathway#2 and using this DataSource list to translate the Xrefs in Pathway#1 and then compare the translated Xrefs in Pathway#1 with the direct* Xrefs in Pathway#2.
*direct Xref = Xref node found in the pathway (without any mapping/transformation)

option B: Using one DataSource (a common DataSource) and translate the Xrefs in both the pathways to this DataSource and then compare the Xrefs (in Pathway#1 and Pathway#2) based on these translated Xref mapings.

I have started on BridgeDB Xref comparison and I will try to finish it this week. I have also started on line comparison. And I need to figure out a way to compare the lines when there are anchors.

2. With help from Dr. Martijn's, I am now able to load 2 pathways inside the comparison pop-up window. This required custom loading of Pathway and VPathway objects since PathVisio allows for only one usable/active VPathway object at a time.

3. I modified the UI layout for the plugin's "Compare" tab based on  PathVisio's" Search" tab's layout. Here's how it looks now:

4. I also worked on optimizing/refactoring the code so that its robust, clean and well documented from the start. And I think that I should be doing this regularly like setting aside a day or a half in a particular week or doing it soon after a module is finished. This would definitely help in the long run though it could be a little time consuming now.

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